Roodkapje is Rotterdam's local laboratory for
ART X LIVE X FOOD and everything in between
Our art program is dynamic, riotous and multi-voiced at heart. Exhibitions, workshops, installations, talks, performances, experiments and the Hamburger Community residency form the basis of our programme.
The Hamburger Community of Art is a yearlong artist-residency-program that is almost entirely responsible for the visual arts program of Roodkapje based on the principles of collaboration, collective learning, experiment, and public mediation.
In 2019, Roodkapje introduced its artist-in-residency program dubbed the Hamburger Community of Art. The program became an integral part of Roodkapje’s visual art program, aiming to bring audiences and artists closer to one another. Based on the principles of collaboration, collective learning, experiment, and public mediation, the Hamburger Community of Art developed into a profound, yearlong artist-residency-program that is now almost entirely responsible for the visual arts program of Roodkapje.
Current program
In 2022, under the new leadership of Director Marloes de Vries, the Hamburger Community is growing to become an environment that is collaborative, multidisciplinary, dynamic and aimed at direct connections with audiences. The program is equipped to enable young and emerging artists to work directly with the public and to find new ways and forms in which their art can do so. The HCA-residency functions as a laboratory; a test site that offers its artists the opportunity not only to exhibit, but also to branch out public engagement in their practice through discursive events (i.e. movie nights, get-togethers and workshops) and through multidisciplinary events such as concerts, club nights, performances and dinners.
Along with these mentorships Roodkapje will invite a small number of experts from the arts-and-culture field to visit for studio visits and/or specific guidance sessions throughout the year. Additionally, Roodkapje provides residents with a stipend in the form of a monthly artist fee and a modest production budget for their solo-exhibition. During their residency, artists are encouraged to work together with the Hamburger Community of Live on interdisciplinary opening events and publications. Part of the residency program is organised collectively with the HCL in order to stimulate open-minded and informal collaboration that transcends fixed disciplines and thought patterns.
Throughout the trajectory, resident artists will be supplied with a shared studio environment, offering desk and workspace. Guidance and direction will be provided in the shape of three mentorships by renowned artists throughout the year that amount in three exhibition-style projects for the public of Roodkapje. Different in focus and learning curve, these mentorships are intended to teach artists new skills or modes of production, as well as engagement with different forms of artists practice beyond their own. The mentorships for the 2022 year are divided among Dennis Muñoz Espadiña/Hocus Bogus Publishing, who runs a riso-printing studio and publishing house from Roodkapje, Rotterdam-based artist and co-founder of artist-run platform Pure Propaganda, Alexandra Phillips, and Rijksakademie alumnus and performance-based artist Mette Sterre, (these plans can be subject to change).