Roodkapje is Rotterdam’s local laboratory for
ART X MUSIC X FOOD and everything in between

Delftseplein 39
3013 AA Rotterdam

Visit exhibition
Tue-Sat 12:00 – 17:00

Roodkapje is Rotterdam's local laboratory for
ART X LIVE X FOOD and everything in between

22 June 2024

A.S.M.R. [Advanced Social Manner Refusal]

The Hamburger Community’s second Happening will be a fruity whirlwind of everything socially frowned upon. Join for activities that pay no mind to what's polite or socially acceptable and catch a whiff of the Happening spirit. It's an event in three parts, all free entrance. The first two have limited space, make sure to secure a ticket in time. If you want to join for both parts, please book a ticket for both separately. The third part is free to walk in for everyone.

Juicy workshop by the Dumpster Master of Blaak

A psychogeographical walk around the Blaak market, a scavenger hunt and a dumpster-diving adventure. The quest for leftover and discarded fruits and vegetables will culminate in a mysterious juicy potion making workshop. This will be accompanied by speculative world-building with non-alcoholic but undoubtedly magical properties.

20:00 - 21:00
Indecent performance: Sing With Your Mouthful

This absurdist performance invites the audience to take a seat among the performers and eat, sing, talk and break the rules over three courses of an evening banquet. As the dinner proceeds things get messy physically and sonically. Can you eat while singing? Can you gargle with sound? Can you sit still? Do you dare to uphold dining conventions and etiquettes? What happens when you don’t?

The performance is composed and performed by TiSiTi (Tara Reece, Ceola Tunstall-Behrens & Tisa World) in collaboration with Singing Club Rotterdam, an anti-choir for all voices; and Eat Your Feelings (Alina Turdean & June Yu) who meticulously design the set and food experience.

21:00 - 23:00
Rude karaoke night

Your favorite hits and eternal earworms will be provided, as well as magical fruity potions created during the workshop. Their mysterious properties will fuel your singing voices for a night of fantastically encouraged rudity.

There are limited places, so get yours in time!
Sign up for the juicy workshop here and the indecent performance here.


About the contributors

The Dumpster Master of Blaak helps run the freegan social kitchen in Poortgebouw

TiSiTi is trio composed of Tara Reece, Ceola Tunstall-Behrens and Tisa World, established in 2022. Based in Rotterdam, they bring together their solo practices of composition and voice performance, creating vocal pieces that they perform as a trio and with other vocalists. They met at Singing Club Rotterdam, an experimental anti-choir for all voices that often performs their compositions. Through their work and sessions with the club, they work with bodies, voices and language in site-specific situations, leading workshops and encouraging experimentation and vocal improvisation. With their shared love for collective vocalisation, they bring fun, empowerment and collectivity into the space of sound.

Singing Club Rotterdam is the anti-choir for all voices. Since 2019, members of the group meet on a bi-weekly basis for a club-based, member-led sonic experience. They explore the interlock between the collective vocal experience and the voicings of everyday life. There is not enough space for song in this society and so they encourage our members and the audience to engage with their voices as a space for connection and exchange. The basis of their performance is collaborative vocal improvisation – a co-creative process that echoes the time, space and people they engage with.

Eat Your Feelings is a journey through the world of food in its vast interpretations outside the domestic context. It aspires to spark conversations and foster a sense of community through playful encounters that at times combine snacks and cinema. Pairing radio research with film obsessions translated into musical rhythms, recipe testing and gestures of social care. Centred around acts of service as a love language, we believe that food connects the personal to the social dimension, carries expressions, memories, cultural identity, national policy and social justice. Food is both a means and material that offers the perfect opportunity to explore (personal) stories, and emotions creatively by bringing people together.

We strongly believe in playing with your food.

poster and house style design by Jeanine van Berkel


Roodkapje’s Hamburger Community residency program is a year long interdisciplinary art laboratory for collaborative practice, collective fun and direct interaction between artists and audience, from 2024 we focus on The Happening as an art form. This year's residents are: Tisa World, Irene Cassarini, M.C. Julie Yu, Repelsteeltje and Julia Wilhelm.


Roodkapje starts their Anarchive in 2024 and looks to transform the spirit of the Happenings into suggestions for new beginnings, relations and ways of being. The anarchive is a proposition to break free from the archive, to refuse known forms of archiving and include the full sensorial experience of lived life. Roodkapje aims to collect moments, processes and affective forces in the Happenings to craft stories about what has passed in ways that may inspire possible action in the future. Each Happening will be anarchived by a different maker. A.S.M.R. [Advanced Social Manner Refusal] will be anarchived by cultural worker, artist and researcher Alice Strete.

The Hamburger Community is made possible by Gemeente Rotterdam and Mondriaan Fonds