Roodkapje is Rotterdam’s local laboratory for
ART X MUSIC X FOOD and everything in between

Delftseplein 39
3013 AA Rotterdam

Visit exhibition
Tue-Sat 12:00 – 17:00

EVENT | Book Launch Desire Paths with Tommy Ventevogel
Friday, June 25th
20:00 – 22:00 hours (doors open from 19:30)
reserve your free ticket here:

“Every time upon all the time there were lines to follow, cross, and to draw…”

With Danielle Hoogendoorn’s exhibition coming to a close, Roodkapje presents the fairy tale book Desire Paths: a unique collaboration between Danielle and Rotterdam-based writer Tommy Ventevogel. Amidst Danielle’s exhibition, we will unveil the this new publication, with Tommy giving a reading of the fairy tale he wrote based on Danielle’s works. Artist and musician Puck Schot produced a tailor-made soundscape to accompany the fairy tale, that will be played during the event.
After the reading, there is a chance to get a drink, enjoy the exhibition, and obtain one of the 50 hand-assembled copies of Desire Paths.

Don’t want to miss out on a copy? pre-order yours here:
Or here:

The fairy tale book, written by Tommy Ventevogel and illustrated by Danielle Hoogendoorn, is designed, printed and hand-assembled by Floor van Meeuwen, and appears in a limited edition of 50.

Tommy Ventevogel writes for theatre, games and graphic novels. He is known for the mixture of modern expressionism with sci-fi and hip-hop culture in his writing. In 2012 he graduated Writing for Performance (HKU) and has been building worlds ever since. Tommy also hosted a course in Sci-Fi & Fantasy writing at SKVR recently and is always ready to talk metamodernism, spindoctoring politics and mastering “gezelligheid”.

Danielle Hoogendoorn works impulsively and associative, and so is her use of materials. Based on her experiences, she tells her stories portrayed by her favourite animals. Animals play and important role in her life and work. They are a means to see how far she can go before the border between art and kitsch is crossed. Even though Daniëlle’s work appears sweet and girly at first sight, things are not always as peaceful as they seem. Through her direct approach she tries to take the formal character of painting and the museum’s white wall out of account, looking to redefine these existing conventions with banality and humour.


This is the second collaborative program of Roodkapje’s Hamburger Communities of Art and Live. ‘Once Upon a Time…’ takes the wonderful world of HCA-artist Danielle Hoogendoorn as point of departure. As Hoogendoorn creates paintings and sculpture in which animals take the lead, magical, absurd and real scenario’s intertwine. They are fairy tales in themselves, both in narrative construction and aesthetics, balancing on the boundaries of art, kitsch, and dark humour. Focussed on the fairy tale, both in its historical and contemporary appearance, Once Upon a Time… provides a range of events going deeper into human-animal relationships, (non-linear) storytelling, and laying bare structures of transformation, imagination and wonder.

The Hamburger Community programs of Roodkapje provide two yearlong development trajectories for five young, talent artists (Art), and five aspiring event programmers (Live). Throughout the year both the Hamburger Community of Art and Live collectively work towards five interdisciplinary programmes build around the work and research of the individual Hamburger Community artists.
During their stay at Roodkapje the artists and residents will receive guidance and support from professionals from their respective fields, and through an in-depth trajectory that is aimed at further developing their professional skills and positions.

Roodkapje’s Hamburger Community of Art was made possible with the kind support of Stichting Bevordering van Volkskracht, Stichting Ondernemersbelangen Rotterdam, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Fleur Groenendijk Foundation, Pieter Bastiaan Stichting, and the Gemeente Rotterdam.